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Control key points in the construction process of steel structure engineering
Release time:2020-11-06 15:52:14      Number of hits:674

1. High strength bolt connection in steel structure construction. Connect the stand or fall of high strength bolt is an important factor affecting the quality of steel structure, high-strength bolt torque coefficient in the product specification is under the normal temperature calibration value, there are many factors which affect the torque coefficient, such as environmental temperature, finally shake time, screw speed, etc., especially the influence of environment temperature, the largest in general, the torque coefficient in the product specification is under the normal temperature calibration value, under negative temperature calibration again, otherwise, according to the specifications for the value of the control, still has the potential to bolt the insufficient tensile stress, reduce the safety of structures, or cause to tighten bolts, affect the safety of the structure.

2. Carry out negative temperature welding in winter. There is a big difference between negative temperature welding and normal temperature in winter. During welding, welders should be trained to master the law of welding under negative temperature, and the requirements of the specification are to bake the electrode, dry it and then use it, so as to ensure the welding quality and structural safety.

3. Formulate safety construction measures in winter. Winter construction temperature is low, cause safety accident factors more, before construction should formulate corresponding winter safety construction measures, equipped with necessary protective equipment, the construction personnel safety education, especially the aerial work and special type of work of education, and strengthen the construction management work, to ensure safety construction.

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