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Research and application of key technologies for reinforcement of grid structure
Release time:2020-11-12 09:51:36      Number of hits:699

Recently, by the national network frame and steel structure quality inspection center (Xuzhou quality inspection center) declared "in service steel network frame structure reinforcement key technology research and application" project was approved by the provincial quality supervision bureau.

In recent years, steel grid structure has been widely used in China, not only in the housing of civil and industrial buildings, but also in other buildings and structures. With the development of social economy and the extension of service life of steel grid structure, many steel grid structures are faced with reinforcement and renovation problems.

By studying the reinforcement method of steel grid structure, this project can effectively improve the bearing capacity of steel grid structure, enhance the reliability and stability, extend the service period, reduce the failure efficiency, and avoid the loss of personnel and property caused by its failure. At the same time, through a series of comprehensive studies, it provides scientific basis and technical support for the detection, reinforcement, transformation and safe use of steel grid structure.

Up to now, accumulated national network frame quality inspection center project 16 scientific research projects, completion and acceptance of 11 through the identification, 6 national patents, the general administration of quality supervision, inspection and quarantine inspection science and technology award, paragraphs 1 and 1 of the China machinery industry science and technology prize, quality and technical supervision of jiangsu province technology achievement, paragraphs 3 and xuzhou city science and technology progress award 1, a number of scientific research of domestic and international leading level, key technology in the network frame and steel structure products and engineering quality testing methods such as academic field of "say" in the country.

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